

Blackhurst, L. & Freeman, R. (2022). Healing our singers, healing ourselves - teaching social and emotional learning in choirs. Choral Journal, 62(9), 20-22.

Blackhurst, L. & Freeman, R. (2021). Healing our singers, healing ourselves - teaching social and emotional learning in choirs. ChorTeach, Choral Journal, 13(2).

Blackhurst, L. (2018). Teaching habits of mind in young choruses: adapting A Mindset for Learning to enhance the compulsory choral experience. ChorTeach, Choral Journal, 10(2).

Blackhurst, L (2021).  Exploring the whole singing self with technique, contemplative education, and mindfulness.. (28540697) [Doctoral dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University]. Proquest Dissertations Publishing.