ONE CHRISTMAS LONG AGO (In Concert) An opera in one act
Words & Music by William Mayer
ARDEA ARTS proudly announces William Mayer's charming holiday opera, ONE CHRISTMAS LONG AGO. This unique work, with its heartwarming story and stunning music, features an outstanding star cast of soloists. The performance is dedicated to composer William Mayer who turned 90 this year and who is being feted by OPERA AMERICA this month for his lifetime of musical achievements. Mr Mayer will be present at the performance.
Partnering with Metro Baptist Church, we invite one and all to mark DECEMBER 11, 2015 @ 7:30 pm on your calendars.
TICKETS $20 $10 for seniors
VENUE Metro Baptist Church 410 W. 40th Street New York, NY
DATE December 11, 2015
TIME 7:30 PM
LENGTH 1 hour
Producer: Ardea Arts Director: Grethe Barrett Holby Producing Director: Gloria Parker Music Director: Saffron Chung
SYNOPSIS One Christmas long ago in a far-away country, there stood a giant cathedral with a bell tower so high it was veiled in a mist. Around these bells had grown through the years a legend and a ceremony: only when a very special gift was given did the bells ring, and then of their own accord, their delicate tones pealing down through the clouds. At the time of our story they had not been heard within human memory.
Two small boys journey through the snowy countryside excited to celebrate the Christmas festivities at the Cathedral and offer their gift to the Christ child. Along the way they find a beggar woman half frozen in the snow and must decide whether to continue their journey, or offer aid. What happens next is a Christmas miracle – born of a selfless act in the name of another…
Time: Christmas Eve Place: A Far-away Kingdom
For further infromation please e-mail or call 212-431-7039